Thursday, June 19, 2014

Are We Holding Onto the Destruction of the U.S.??

      Okay, so we've all seen at least one horror movie that has left us pleasantly freaked out of our skins for a week or so, but what if that wasn't a mere illusion? Thousands of people die each year from gun shots, and even more are affected by their loss. And what exactly is the government doing? Definitely panicking and stuffing mounds of chips into their mouths-



      Oh, wait, wrong people. That's right. They're not doing much. Key words being not much. People are dying by the hour and politicians are still fighting amongst themselves over whether guns should be banned. However, this brings up a very common question among politicians, government officials, and even Obama himself: what exactly should we do about gun violence and its devastating effects?

      First off, when young children or even teenagers are exposed to gun violence, they may end up scarred for life, both physically and psychologically. Children tend to become mentally unstable and become easily terrified or quick to become aggressive. In some cases, sleeping disorders and eating disorders could develop and cause even more damage to the child's psychological matter of mind. In older children, they are most likely to be paranoid and deeply traumatized. Sleeping disorders and eating disorders are also common. In a recent study, it has been shown that sixty percent of the teens said that they feared death and another nineteen percent wished that they had been shot already. They may also solve their problems by using violence. There is a clearer desciption of all the awful effects they have on kids if you're curious enough to click on this link here...

     The most disturbing fact about  all these murderers is the fact that they are allowed to purchase guns legally. Hear that? LEGALLY!!! If they pass the background check, they're free to go on a shooting rampage. And the government isn't even interested in buying guns that could cause the destruction of the entire U.S. It's not until after a mass shooting, or school shooting that the government actually goes, "OHMYGOD!!!" and some kind of action is actually taken. And when the incident blows over in the news, it's back to Obamacare.


Thou hath seen the wrath of the Internet. And gun violence. And Obamacare.

      So if guns really do pose such a huge threat to our society now, what should be done about this?
 This question is at a temporary hitch in the road, because politicians cannot seem to decide whether to keep guns or to ban them. Well, the answer is simple. Looking back at all the school shootings, wars, and flat-out massacres in the history of the world, it is only logical that we ban guns. Every single one of them.
      Think about it. The Virginia Tech, the Bath School disasters, and the Red Lake massacre. Sure, they occurred years ago when laws against guns were not as strict, but what did those killers use to brutally murder innocent children and adults? That's right. Guns. If guns were banned, then at least these assaults would decrease dramatically. It should be a rule that only police, legal hunters, and people in the army should handle guns. Police can be a lot more threatening if the criminal had no firearms to protect himself, hunters could be supervised when they borrow rifles to bring down the animals, and soldiers practically have to have a gun to protect them on the battlefield. (#Iraq)
      If guns were banned, it would give the government a lot less grief after people got used to the idea. Officers could quit worrying at every corner of a street that they're going to be shot, and there would be less death in the world. Airport security checks wouldn't be as bad. And most importantly, us kids could go to school without wearing Hazmat suits and carrying a stainless steel shield wherever we go. Less innocent young lives would perish, by both bullets and extremely boring therapy sessions- oops. (Pretend I never said anything plz)


I'm sorry! I'm sorry therapy guy! *sniffles* I have serious problems... THERAPIST!!!

       All in all, the world would be a safer place without guns altogether. Children could be spared the terror of gun violence and long therapy sessions recounting the horrid events. Teens could be saved from the loss of loved ones, disorders, and unnecessary fights. And most importantly, police can capture criminals without the worry of being shot every two seconds. And with something to think about, you can be assured that the government is doing its part on banning guns.........oh wait.


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